The GREAT TEXAS BANK JOB Let’s Visit the Mountains in Houston Texas ….. Yeah the Mountains of Houston ….

America the Laundry

IT GOES WAY WAY WAY Deeper than the Attorney Firings !!!!!! The FINANCIAL RAPE of AMERICA Stop the Coup d'etat   Colonias Domestic Study Policy Trip DIRT ROAD SUBDIVISIONS - "Red Flag Subdivisions" illegal UNPLATTED, UNRECORDED Land Fraud JUST LIKE Montgomery County, sorry JUST THE FACTS SPRING 2002 VOLUME 26 The White House Fellows kicked off their first full day in Texas with an escorted tour of three colonias. They were accompanied by HUD and Fannie Mae representatives who outlined the complex factors fueling colonia growth and the challenges faced by colonia residents as a result of having limited access to critical infrastructure and potable water. After the tour, Fellows participated in a meeting hosted by the El Paso Colonia Coalition, a group of local non-profit organizations that work with state agencies to improve sub-standard living standards in colonias. This is the Whitewater - Castle Grande - DIRT ROAD SUBDIVISION CONS - J Witham Montgomery County TEXAS in US District Court before SENIOR JUDGE DeAnda listed 635 of these ILLEGAL SUBDIVISION FLIPS. IF anyone can prove me wrong FEEL FREE !!!!! Jud Witham <> wrote OPERATION Anti- Financial Coup d'etat Patriot SUMMIT being called. There are many TRUTHFUL accounts of massive financial swindles and diversions of MASSIVE amounts of money bantering about the net. The Ameri-Quest CONS for instance turned out to be much larger than first expected by a very close contact. The Enron, MCI, Dynergy, Fannie Mae, Freedie Mac, and the S&Ls and Banks well all those CERTAINLY occurred. Ollie North and Secord N COMPANY seemed to be able to move HUGE SUMS and even buy WEAPONS SYSTEMS, BCCI, and the Ollie North Herman Bebee, S&L money is REAL and the FINANCIAL COUP D 'ETAT mechanics well folks IT'S REAL. The bottom line is MUCH of these looted funds and BLACK OPS slush funds are WORMING their way back into certain folks campaign war chests. 

Mispression of Felonies, Cover Up The GreatTexasBankJob … Title Work is to BankFraud as DNA is to … Title Insurance Western Bank and Texas Subdivision …

The MAFIAS the Election MAFIAS if you will are ARROGANT and LETHAL, they have NO INTEGRITY and as such as without any doubt a THREAT to Liberty. It is long over due, a SUMMIT must be called and it MUST NOT be hijacked by the DISINFORMERS and those who HATE FREEDOM. ANYONE who feels ol Judson is a FAKE or running a CON, well, take the time to read the HOUSTON CHRONICLE articles posted below and KNOW THIS, Judson has FBI and US Secret Service and FEDERAL COURT records to BACK UP EVERYTHING he claims !! Oh yeah UPI, AP, ABC, FOX, CBS, PBS, NYT, WASH POST, MIAMIA HERALD, papers from Phoenix to Seattle, and Congress and the Senate ALL KNOW that Ol Judson is NO FRAUD or FAKE. The Stone Bridge Ranch collapse and KAT WOOLFORD, RTC, FDIC and the DOJ, yup Alberto Gonzales and YUP 43 know FRIGGIN WELL, Judson Witham is NO Con Man !!!!!!! US Secert Service Agent Rick Williams and FORMER US ATTORNEY Henry Onken from HUMBLE TEXAS, Senator Kay Hutchinson, Kevin Brady, Joe Barton, John Cornyn they all KNOW, the Great Texas Bank CONS, and the LAND DEVELOPMENT FLIPS all are REAL. Judson Is NO Fake Oh yeah, the S&L and Banking Debacle actually happened and well VOTE CAGING and Funny Elections are are VERY WELL KNOWN FACTS. The TAKE OVER of our Constitutional Democratic Republic by ULTRA RICH and ULTRA CORRUPT gangsta types well IT IS REAL FOLKS and well AMERICA NEEDS ALL HER PATRIOTS and NOW like Never Before. I am CALLING A SUMMIT, fakers NEED NOT APPLY DISINFORMERS BEWARE, LIBERTY AND FREEDOM ARE MUCH BIGGER TAHN YOU, DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE OUR RESOLVE Judson Witham Son Of Swamp Fox Dr. Phillips is A Kattskill Bay, Lake George NY, Bark Eater Mountains LAST OF THE MOHICANS, REAL McCoy. A Life Long Friend OHIO 2004 : ANOTHER STOLEN ELECTION THE CASE FOR HAND COUNTED PAPER BALLOTS. ADDRESS TO WE COUNT CONFERENCE ... HACKING THE VOTE IN MIAMI COUNTY. ANOMALOUS PRECINCTS IN DELAWARE CITY ... - 4k - Cached Planning in the Wake of Florida Land Scams Florida's Growth Management Era. WHEN LAND SCAMS BECOME BOOM TOWNS ... State land planning and regulation: innovative roles in the 1980s and beyond. ... - 74k - Cached And you thought the Clintons LAND / S&L Cons were Original Ah yes the Great Pension Fund CONS Public pension funds take a risky gamble - It's NOT just Ameri -Quest and the Title Insurance CONS - GOES WAY PAST The Penn Square and Continental Illinois and good fellas ROBERT L. VICKERS and the Clesson land Investment Company, oh yeah DON BOLLES MURDER The ARIZONA MAFIA AND LAND / BANK LOOTINGS a little history The Great Nest Egg Robberies - these goes hand in hand to Kenny Boy, Jackie Abramoff, the Clinton MAFIA and that Good Old GONZO 43 mess called LAND FRAUD all over TEXAS hey where are the Subsidies to the PO WHITE FOLK COLONIAS in Texas ????? White House Fellas tour THREE Mexican Colonias - SHIT FOLKS there's THOUSANDS of these things all over TEXAS, START IN CONROE !!!!! Jud Witham <> wrote: Colonias MY ASS it's LAND FRAUD The White House - Fellas GUVNAH BUSH is a LYING CROOKED ASSHOLE 43 He knows all about that CONROE MAFIA Breck Girl MY ASS, Kay Hutchinson is a Crooked ASS Player a CONROE, WOODLANDS HO. Just like Kevin Brady and Joe Barton and oh yeah Nelda Luce Radabaugh Blair. see and The Blair House Welcome to "The Blair House" the home of Jim and Nelda Blair in The Woodlands. ... ©2006 Jim and Nelda Blair. Developed and Powered by OCS ... - 5k - Cached The COLONIAS CON meticulasly AVOIDS any linkage to the MASSIVE Land Frauds in Montgomery County and all the others associated with the LAND FLIPS and the bank and S&L Lootings RAMPANT in TEXAS. John Cornyn, Gregg Abbott GUVNAH BUSH going back to Mark White, Anne Richards and Jim Mattox, Dan Morales and DICK THORNBERG, WILLIAM FRENCH SMITH and the ENTIRE CAST OF WHORES. Please tell me the difference between an ILLEGAL UNRECORDED RED FLAG SUBDIVISION in Sanjacinto County and the COLONIAS that the BRECK GIRL and JOE Liberman Visited. COME ON I FRIGGIN DARE YOU ALL Castle Grande. Whitewater, Campebello Island the MADISON S&L JOB Clintonian Arkansan COLONIAS just like the Land Frauds in ARIZONA and FLORIDA. Who the hell are you all kidding ???????? WAKE THE SHIT UP The WHITE HOUSE knows full FUCKING WELL !!!!!!! ALBERTO GONZALES and JOHN CORNYN and Gregg Abbott KNOW Judson Witham KNOWS very well !!!!! Colonias Domestic Study Policy Trip In February, the 2001-2002 White House Fellows class embarked on a domestic policy study trip to the borders shared by Texas, New Mexico and Mexico. There, Fellows met with state and local policy makers, Mexican officials, colonia residents and businessmen to study the socio-economic factors affecting colonias and their neighboring cities. In preparation for their trip, Fellows were also briefed on legislative issues specifically addressing colonias by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-TX), Congressman Silvestre Reyes (D-TX), and Ana Maria Farias, Senior Counselor to HUD Secretary Mel Martinez. The White House Fellows kicked off their first full day in Texas with an escorted tour of three colonias. They were accompanied by HUD and Fannie Mae representatives who outlined the complex factors fueling colonia growth and the challenges faced by colonia residents as a result of having limited access to critical infrastructure and potable water. After the tour, Fellows participated in a meeting hosted by the El Paso Colonia Coalition, a group of local non-profit organizations that work with state agencies to improve sub-standard living standards in colonias. Jud Witham <> wrote: Kay Bailey Hutchison CONROE TEXAS MAFIA TRASH Tell'm What COLONIAS are Kay "RED FLAG SUBDIVISIONS" She KNOWS ol Judson Very Well YES SIR White House Fellowships: spring 2002 ... study the socio-economic factors affecting colonias and their neighboring cities. ... addressing colonias by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-TX), Congressman ... spring2002_02. html - 13k - Cached Coopersmith Reviews Ivins and Dubose's Shrub Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson, elsewhere portrayed by Ivins as "the Breck girl," is applauded for visiting colonias -- unlike the Governor. ... sept00/ 22shrub.htm - 7k - Cached Houston's Channel 2, 13, 26, 11 and the Houston Chronicle , Dallas Morning News, Conroe Courier Spineless and NO Testicles http://video. videoplay? docid=3505348655 137118430&q=bill+moyers SECRET GUVMINT FRAUD EPIDEMIC Ollie North and Herman K. Bebee and the TEXAS COMPANY Bank Lootings, S&L Lootings and IRAN CONTRA Secord and North's Largest Fund Raisers were on Westheimer at the Galleria Hotel THREE BLOCKS from 41's & Barbara's Suite at the Houstonian Have You Got any Idea How Deep The Corruption is ?? This CRAP goes far beyond the Looting of the Continental Illinois and the Penn Square Banking ILLUMINATE. Funny you know LAND FRAUD EPIDEMIC HOUSTON CHRONICLE ARCHIVES Paper: HOUSTON CHRONICLE Date: MON 09/21/1987 Section: Business Page: 1 Edition: 2 STAR Report: Developers owned almost all troubled S&Ls United Press International DALLAS - Real estate developers who bought their way into the troubled savings and loan industry in the early 1980s owned virtually all of the most deeply insolvent thrifts in Texas, it was reported Sunday. An investigation showed real estate development entrepreneurs either own or owned 20 of the 24 most financially troubled savings and loans in Texas and that most of the remaining four went broke by copying the aggressive strategies of the developers-turned- thrift owners, the Dallas Times Herald said in a copyright story. Most of the 24 institutions, which lost money at the rate of $8.94 million a day in the first quarter of 1987, are now in ruin. They have lost all the money invested by their owners and $3.8 billion of depositors' money that had to be replaced in part with emergency loans from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas. Reports from the Federal Ho me Loan Bank, which has advanced at least $2.4 billion to the ailing thrifts, indicate the Texas 24 have been forced to repossess $2.7 billion worth of property from delinquent borrowers. Seven of the institutions have been declared insolvent. All are under the strict supervision - if not outright control - of federal and state regulators. Thrift experts place the two dozen institutions at the heart of an epidemic of risky lending and outright fraud that virtually bankrupted the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp. The Texas thrift crisis required Congress to pump $10.8 billion into the agency that insures S&L deposits up to $100,000. More than half of the FSLIC bailout funds will be used in Texas, where the agency expects to pay $6 billion and spend five years cleaning up failed S&Ls. During the height of the Texas economic boom, one developer-thrift planned to open a branch office on the moon, another loaned $3 million to buy the Rolls-Royce fleet of the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, and a third funded a real estate project that called for a private overpass spanning the 10-lane LBJ Freeway in Dallas. A fourth thrift operated a chain of barbecue stands, the newspaper said. "Developers got us where we are in the savings and loan business through greed and a failure of ethics," said Paul Hardy, a principal with Commercial Banc Group, based in Dallas, which specializes in resolving troubled real estate projects. "They bought S&Ls with the idea of becoming real estate giants by using depositors' money and taking advantage of inflation," Hardy said. Don R. Dixon, accused of looting Vernon Savings and Loan Association, said thrifts were taking advantage of powers granted by the Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982 to get an ownership stake in their borrowers' projects. Dixon told the Times Herald that builders turned around and acquired thrifts to assure themselves of financing and to tap into the profits of lenders. Dixon, Vernon's former owner, is named in a $350 million lawsuit filed by the FSLIC that accuses him and six other Vernon officers of plundering the S&L. Vernon Savings was declared insolvent in March, when it was $616 million in the red. Dixon blamed federal regulators for Vernon's failure. The Federal Home Loan Bank began examining Vernon in summer 1985. In April 1986 it barred the S&L from renewing customer loans, almost all of which Dixon said were about to be renewed. "I'm not a guy who flew into town to rape the savings and loan business," Dixon said. "The regulators in Washington decided that entrepreneurs are bad and said: `We'll sink the ships to kill the captains."' HOUSTON CHRONICLE ARCHIVES Paper: HOUSTON CHRONICLE Date: FRI 10/14/1988 Section: A Page: 1 Edition: 4 STAR Fraud `epidemic' cited in bank, S&L failures By JAMES DRUMMOND, BOB SABLATURA Staff An "epidemic" of fraud and insider misconduct played a role in a third of the bank failures and three-quarters of the savings and loan failures nationwide, says a congressional subcommittee report to be released next week. "Financial institution fraud and embezzlement have reached epidemic proportions, and the number of criminal cases is increasing at an alarming rate," said U.S. Rep. Doug Barnard Jr., D-Ga., in a summary of the report. The FBI is struggling with 7,350 bank fraud investigations involving 357 failed U.S. banks or thrifts and thousands of institutions that continue to operate, said Barnard, chairman of the House Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer and Monetary Affairs. The FBI in Houston has 253 bank fraud investigations under way involving area financial institutions, up sharply from 150 a year ago, the bureau said Thursday. FBI spokesman Johnie J oyce acknowledges a dozen local investigations of financial institutions by name, including six banks, four thrifts and two mortgage companies. The institutions are First Commercial Bank-North Belt, Riverside National Bank, Bank of North America, PetroBank, Western BankWestheimer, Texas National Bank-Westheimer, Mainland Savings, Mercury-Milam Savings, First Savings and Loan of East Texas, Continental Savings, Couch Mortgage Co. and the mortgage operations of the late J.R. McConnell. All of the banks and thrifts under investigation have been declared insolvent and closed by state and federal regulators. Much of the abuse nationwide has gone undetected because of inadequate examinations by federal regulators, the subcommittee said. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has no regular examination schedule, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. has "failed badly" to keep up with its schedule, the report said. Both regulate federally chartered ban ks. The subcommittee found that 42 percent of the failed banks had not been examined in the year prior to the failure. The report also criticizes the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve and Office of Management and Budget for inadequate examination, supervision and legal staff. "We recognize that during the early 1980s up to 1986 we really didn't have enough resources," said Jim Dudine, chief of the FDIC special activities section. "Since then we have added more examiners," and made improvements in banking supervision, he said. Examiners have become more aggressive in rooting out fraud, Dudine said. FDIC instituted new training programs after a 1984 report from the subcommittee. The agency now has 50 special examiners and has overhauled procedures to catch fraud. But the FDIC remains behind in its examination schedule, Dudine said. Barnard said the subcommittee' s report also said: Regulators have improved coordination between federal agenci es to fight fraud, but agencies are still slow to start investigations and to exchange information. Sharing of data about abuses is "sporadic, haphazard and incomplete." Insolvent banks are much less likely to be audited by an independent accountant than healthy banks. Except for the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, which regulates federally chartered thrifts, none of the bank agencies requires outside audits. The subcommittee recommended more independent audits. The banking crisis has brought about a sharp philosophical change among regulators, Dudine said. Until recent years, regulators felt it was outside their function to police fraud. "That's changed," Dudine said. "Now we're looking for it." Both the comptroller and FDIC relied heavily on "off-site" examinations in recent years, looking at computer records without visiting an institution. Regulators said they did this in the face of budget cuts and personnel shortages. Regulators are trying to conduct more on-site audits today. The comptroller' s office was hit by a hiring freeze several years ago and suffers high turnover among examiners. They are drawn away by higher salaries paid by banks. "It would be nice if we could be in the banks 365 days a year, but we're not," said Bob Serino, deputy chief counsel with the comptroller. "The FDIC can only hire as many people as the administration will allow them to hire," said Thomas R. Bloom, partner with Kenneth Leventhal & Co. and former Federal Home Loan Bank System chief accountant. "With more and better examiners, the government would have saved billion of dollars (in bank losses)," Bloom said. During the real estate and oil boom of the early 1980s, comptroller examiners were overwhelmed with the increase in Texas banking activity, Serino said. Examiners were borrowed from other districts to work in Texas, he said. "The complexity of the (banking deals) was going out of sight." The only way regulators could have prevented much of the Texas banking mess would have been to have an examiner look over every loan before it was made, Serino said. "Unless you detect some of these problems before they happen, there's not much you can do." Regulators, however, could have done a better job of checking rapid growth in banks and thrifts and encouraging diversification, said Dudine. Regulators could have detected problems earlier, he said. The FBI and Justice Department are overwhelmed with bank fraud investigations, and both suffer a shortage of experienced investigators. In Houston, 18 FBI agents are assigned exclusively to investigating allegations of bank fraud, said Joyce. The subcommittee has asked a new investigative unit of the General Accounting Office, called the Office of Special Investigation, to find out if the Mafia has had a hand in bank fraud. The subcommittee had received several leads involving possible mob ties to California ins titutions, said Steve McFadden, subcommittee spokesman. Report: Developers owned almost all troubled S&Ls United Press International Thrift experts place the two dozen institutions at the heart of an epidemic of risky lending and outright fraud that virtually bankrupted the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp. 09/21/1987 1988 YEAR IN REVIEW/Scandal, controversy mark the area's top newsmakers BOB TUTT : Staff A congressional report alleged that a national "epidemic" of fraud and misconduct by insiders underlaid the failure of many financial institutions. 01/01/1989 `Epidemic' of bank, S&L fraud cited/D.C. panel blaming insider misconduct for many failures JAMES DRUMMOND, BOB SABLATURA : Staff Epidemic' of bank, S&L fraud cited/D.C. panel blaming insider misconduct for many failures In Houston, 18 FBI agents are assigned exclusively to investigating allegations of bank fraud, said Joyce. 10/14/1988 Fraud `epidemic' cited in bank, S&L failures JAMES DRUMMOND, BOB SABLATURA : Staff In Houston, 18 FBI agents are assigned exclusively to investigating allegations of bank fraud, said Joyce. 10/14/1988 Good Ol Oklahoma City. Look a little deeper into the Murrah Bombing and you'll see MASSIVE Corruption tied to the BANK and S&L, Wall Street Debacles of the 80s and 90s - PS: You don't think Olliver North, Herman K. Bebbee and the CLINTONS were the only ones ROBBING Banks and S&Ls do you !!!!!!! Financing "STAND ALONE OFF THE SHELF ENTERPRIZES" Land Flips - FLIPPING ENTIRE SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENTS - You ask Why DIRT ROAD SUBDIVISIONS ?? DIRTY MONEY and all those BLACK OPS $550 BILLION REASON$ FOR THE COVER UP$ The Subdivision DEBACLES did NOT start in Arkansas BUT in Monkey County TEXAS, Their UNDOING all started when Texas AG MARK WHITE's OFFICE attempted to keep SEALLED in Judge Olen Underwood's 284th KORT in Conroe, The DEPOSITION of Donald Clesson (1981) I was 26 years old then and we've come a LONG WAY BABY. GONZO there in Humble and 43 know all about the TEXAS CASH MACHINES directly involving those LAND CONS. Ya did'nt think Slick Willy and Billary from ARKANSAS were the only folks Doing The DIRT ROAD Subdivision FLIPPING THING did ya SEE The Houston Chronicle, Houston Post and Dallas Morning News articles for LAND FLIPS and BANK FRAUDS, WAKE UP Hello Anyway, Kay Hutchinson, Kevin Brady, Joe Barton, Dan Morales, Jim Mattox, John Cornyn, Gregg Abbott and YUP the FBI, US Secret Service, Houston Chronicle, Houston Post ALL the TV Clowns in Houston and the US POSTAL INSPECTION SERVICE in Dallas ALL KNOW the Clintons. Slick Willy and BILLARY were NOT the only MAFIA in the Country doing the LAND SUBDIVISION FLIPS. Judson MADE CERTAIN OF THAT http://www.legalact Valley Of The Lakes RICO trials PA 8.) Water for Colonias Money is there for hookups, so use it Publish Date: August 2, 2004 Word Count: 327 Document ID: 1043B07E2588F59D Gov. Rick Perry turned his focus to the border last month, urging a Texas agency to get on with issuing $50 million in bonds to help low-income communities get better roads. We salute the governor's effort and encourage him and the 2005 Legislature to keep improving the state's 2,000-plus colonia developments. Found mostly along the border, colonias are settlements of modest homes that pop up in flood plains and rural hardpan outside of a city's TEXAS WHITEWATERS POTHOLES & PROMISES/Montgomery County's crumbling subdivisions/ Homeowners handle property woes CATHY GORDON : Staff Others - about 600 - are unrecorded or "red flag" subdivisions that do not meet county road and drainage standards and have no plats, or plans, filed. 06/21/1987 http://www.pbs. org/wgbh/ pages/frontline/ shows/arkansas/ whitewater/ lyonsarticle. html All this over "a" failed $ 200,000 dirt-road real estate deal up in Marion County and a savings and loan flameout that cost taxpayers a lousy $ 65 million--the 196th most costly S&L failure of the 1980s, 196th and the BANKING SECTOR had Lots Lots Lots BIGGER Lootings doing the SAME CRAP POTHOLES & PROMISES/Montgomery County's crumbling subdivisions/ Homeowners handle property woes CATHY GORDON : Staff Others - about 600 - are unrecorded or "red flag" subdivisions that do not meet county road and drainage standards and have no plats, or plans, filed. 06/21/1987 Road woes continue/Neighborho od battles county over upkeep PAUL McKAY : Staff The problem goes a lot further than just this single subdivision." Pioneer Trails is probably one of the worst examples of an unrecorded subdivision," Winberry says. 09/24/1989 POTHOLES & PROMISES/Montgomery County's crumbling subdivisions/ Developers facing county crackdown CATHY GORDON : Staff Montgomery County, in its crackdown on developers of unrecorded subdivisions, wants the mess cleaned up. In other words, I `poor-boyed' this subdivision. 06/23/1987 Advice for potential property buyers: Ask questions CATHY GORDON : Staff If the subdivision next door is having a problem, that's a good indication your subdivision will too. This sometimes is a signal the subdivision is unrecorded and not up to county standards. 06/23/1987 Resident's crusading `fans fire'/Subdivision' s critic outlines difficulties CATHY GORDON : Staff It started six years ago with his myriad of complaints to developers and county officials about the unrecorded east county subdivision's drainage and roads. 06/22/1987 POTHOLES & PROMISES/Montgomery County's crumbling subdivisions/ Homeowners handle property woes CATHY GORDON : Staff It has to be on which subdivisions are the worst. His property in the unrecorded Shepard's Landing subdivision off FM 2854 is not only in the flood plain, it's in the river bed. 06/21/1987 Neighborhoods fighting proposal to realign North Eldridge Parkway KIM COBB : Staff The crux of the problem, as the Precinct 3 Commission sees it, is that Tower Oaks is an unrecorded subdivision. 09/15/1985 Fort Bend, Montgomery counties feel growth pains MELINDA MILLER, PATTI MUCK : Staff Montgomery County first began requiring building permits in 1979 to prevent people from building in the flood plain and in unrecorded subdivisions that didn't meet county standards. 05/22/1985 Harper's Magazine The Great Whitewater Political Scandal and Multimedia Extravaganza, now on the verge of entering its second smash year, has always played very differently here in Little Rock than in, say, Washington, New York, or Los Angeles. To read the great metropolitan newspapers, observe the grave demeanor of network TV anchors, and heed the rhetoric of the politicians and radio talk-show hosts who have made the issue their own, one would gather that the republic teeters on the brink of a constitutional crisis. The dread "gate" suffix of Nixonian legend has been applied. Melodramatic charges of bribery, corruption, cover-up, even of suicide and murder, fill the air (although at the time of this writing the focus has shifted to "improprieties" in Washington). There has even been loose talk of presidential impeachment. All this over a failed $ 200,000 dirt-road real e state deal up in Marion County and a savings and loan flameout that cost taxpayers a lousy $ 65 million--the 196th most costly S&L failure of the 1980s, nationally speaking, and one that accounted for about 7 percent of the roughly $ 1 billion tab bankrupt institutions ran up right here in little old Arkansas. For the longest time, it was hard for most Arkansans to take all the bellyaching over Whitewater and Jim McDougal's Madison Guaranty very seriously. Apart from a superficial acquaintance with both Clintons shared by thousands of Arkansans, I know none of the characters in the Whitewater saga personally. (My wife gave Clinton a little bit of money and went to Wisconsin for a week on his behalf as an "Arkansas Traveler" at her own expense. But that's her business.) What little I have written over the years has been mostly critical. Indeed, I cherish a videotape of myself in a short-lived guise as the poor man's Andy Rooney on a Little Rock TV station b ack in 1988 predicting that the governor had won his last election. It angers me, though, that Whitewater has brought back all the old stereotypes, what the Arkansas Times magazine once called the image of "the Barefoot State." Barefoot, hell. To hear the national press go on about it, under Clinton poor little Arkansas became a veritable American Transylvania: a dark, mysterious netherworld populated by a mob of ignorant peasants and presided over by a half dozen corrupt tycoons in collusion with the Clintons as the Count and Countess Dracula. Scarcely a Whitewater story has appeared in the national press that hasn't made references to the state's uniquely "incestuous" links between business, government, and the legal establishment- -concepts utterly foreign to places like Washington, D.C., and New York City, of course. Even Arkansans long weary of Clinton's amoeba-like style of leadership-- his indecisiveness, his downright genius for equivocation, his habit of launching more trial balloons than the National Weather Service--can' t recognize the caricature of either the man or his milieu in the national press. And we're not just talking about such off-the-wall publications as The American Spectator or the Wall Street Journal editorial page. In The New Republic, author L.J. Davis accused Bill and Hillary Clinton of a nefarious plot to void Arkansas usury limits for the benefit of the First Lady's banker clients. Problem is, the deed was done through an amendment to the Arkansas constitution by public referendum during the term of Republican Governor Frank White--a banker. So how did we get here? Well, at the expense of shocking you, dear reader, it all began with the New York Times--specifically with a series of much-praised articles by investigative reporter Jeff Gerth: groundbreaking, exhaustively researched, but not particularly fair or balanced stories that combine a prosecutorial bias and the art of ta ctical omission to insinuate all manner of sin and skulduggery. Accompanied by a series of indignant editorials, Gerth's work helped create a full-scale media clamor last December for a special prosecutor. Testimony in recent Senate hearings showed that the Resolution Trust Corporation' s Whitewater investigation began in direct response to the Times coverage; the hearings themselves resulted in large part from the Clinton Administration' s panicky reaction to reporters' queries about the RTC probe, Gerth's among them. Absent the near-talismanic role of the New York Times in American journalism, the whole complex of allegations and suspicions subsumed under the word "Whitewater" might never have made it to the front page, much less come to dominate the national political dialogue for months at a time. It is all the more disturbing, then, that most of the insinuations in Gerth's reporting are either highly implausible or demonstrably false. Let us return briefly to those thrilling days of yesteryear-- specifically the 1992 primary season. On March 8, 1992, Jeff Gerth's initial story about Whitewater appeared on the Times front page under the headline CLINTONS JOINED S.&L. OPERATOR IN AN OZARK REAL-ESTATE VENTURE: In 1984 , Madison started getting into trouble. Federal examiners studied its books that year, found that it was violating Arkansas regulations and determined that correcting the books to adjust improperly inflated profits would "result in an insolvent position," records of the 1984 examination show. Arkansas regulators received the Federal report later that year, and under state law the securities commissioner was supposed to close any insolvent institution. As the Governor is free to do at any time, Mr. Clinton appointed a new securities commissioner in January, 1985. He chose Beverly Bassett Schaffer.... In interviews, Mrs. Schaffer, now a Fayetteville lawyer, said she did not remember the Federal e xamination of Madison, but added that in her view, the findings were not "definitive proof of insolvency." In 1985, Mrs. Clinton and her Little Rock law firm, the Rose firm, twice applied to the Arkansas Securities Commission on behalf of Madison, asking that the savings and loan be allowed to try two novel plans to raise money. Mrs. Schaffer wrote to Mrs. Clinton and another lawyer at the firm approving the ideas. "I never gave anybody special treatment," she said. Madison was not able to raise additional capital. And by 1986 Federal regulators, who insured Madison's deposits, took control of the institution and ousted Mr. McDougal. Mrs. Schaffer supported the action. Gerth's original story was recently praised in the American Journalism Review as containing 80 to 90 percent of what the press knows about Whitewater today. Rival reporters complained, though, that the 1992 article lacked a "nut paragraph" summing up what the Clintons had d one wrong and why it was important. The insinuations became clearer in subsequent Gerth stories in the fall of 1993.(*) Following the Washington Post's October 31, 1993, revelation that the RTC had made a referral to the Justice Department naming the Clintons as (perhaps unwitting) beneficiaries of possible criminal actions, Gerth and Stephen Engelberg, another Times reporter, wrote lengthy articles that appeared on November 2 and December 15. The first dealt mainly with the still-unsubstantiat ed claims of former Municipal Judge David Hale that Bill Clinton urged him to commit federal bank fraud by lending $ 300,000 to Jim McDougal's wife, Susan. (Gerth and Engelberg neglected to point out that David Hale--no Clinton intimate but a courthouse pol first appointed by Republican Governor Frank White--had set up thirteen dummy companies with the same mailing address as his own, evidently without pressure from the Clintons.) Elsewhere, the November 2 piece was pretty much a rehash of the original 1992 article, with a few characteristically misleading tidbits added for emphasis. "By 1983, Mr. McDougal's bank was in trouble with Arkansas regulators," the Times informed readers. "The state's banking commissioner, Marlin S. Jackson, ordered the bank to stop making imprudent loans. Mr. Jackson, a Clinton appointee, said in an interview last year that he told Mr. Clinton at the time of Mr. McDougal's questionable practices." Now, what Jackson told the Los Angeles Times (which also turned the tale inside out but did give fair context) was that the governor had urged him to ignore politics and be the "best banking commissioner you can be ." Jackson had acted on this suggestion, with the result that the Clintons' own note was called. The real bombshell was Gerth and Engelberg's December 15, 1993, story, which all but accused both Clintons, Jim McDougal, and Beverly Bassett Schaffer of criminal conspiracy to keep Madison Gu aranty afloat regardless of the cost. But the implication in that account that has shown the most staying power involves a supposed quid pro quo involving Hillary Rodham Clinton. It centers on an April 1985 political fund-raiser Jim McDougal held and the suspicion that he may have illegally siphoned Madison Guaranty funds into Bill Clinton's campaign coffers. "Just a few weeks after Mr. McDougal raised the money for him," the Times noted darkly, "Madison Guaranty won approval from Mrs. Schaffer, Mr. Clinton's new financial regulator, for a novel plan to sell stock." "The search for new capital," Gerth and Engelberg continued, took Madison to the offices of Mrs. Schaffer, who had the ultimate authority to approve any such stock sale. One of the lawyers employed by Madison to argue its case before the state regulators was Mrs. Clinton. Within weeks, Mrs. Schaffer wrote a letter to Mrs. Clinton giving preliminary approval to Madison's stock plan. The sale never went forward. But this fall the RTC asked the Justice Department to examine a number of Madison's transactions, and federal officials say the state's approval of the stock plan was among the matters raised by investigators. The Times also quoted McDougal to the effect that Bassett Schaffer was his handpicked choice as Arkansas securities commissioner. The theory implicit in Gerth's Times stories may be summarized as follows: when his business partner and benefactor McDougal got in trouble, Bill Clinton dumped the sitting Arkansas securities commissioner and appointed a hack, Beverly Bassett Schaffer. He and Hillary then pressured Bassett Schaffer to grant McDougal special favors--until the vigilant feds cracked down on Madison Guaranty, thwarting the Clintons' plan. This is the Received Version of the Whitewater scandal as it first took shape in the pages of the New York Times--what all the fuss is ultimately about. And it bears almost no relation to reality. The distortions begin with the headline of the original Gerth story in the Times: CLINTONS JOINED S.&L. OPERATOR IN AN OZARK REAL-ESTATE VENTURE. This headline was misleading because when Bill and Hillary Clinton entered into the misbegotten partnership to subdivide and develop 230 forested acres along the White River as resort property in 1978, Jim McDougal wasn't involved in the banking and S&L businesses at all. He was a career political operative--a former aide to Senators J. William Fulbright and John L. McClellan. In the meantime, McDougal had done well in the inflation-fueled Ozarks land boom of the Seventies. But it wouldn't be until five years later--by which time the Whitewater investment was already moribund--that he bought a controlling interest in Madison Guaranty. Details, details. Gerth wrote that McDougal quickly built Madison "into one of the largest state-chartered associations in Arkansas." Wrong again. Among thirty-nine S&Ls listed in the 1985 edition of Sheshunoff's Arkansas Savings and Loans, Madison ranked twenty-fifth in assets and thirtieth in amount loaned. These errors of detail might be forgiven if Gerth had in fact uncovered a conspiracy between the Clintons and the Arkansas securities commissioner to treat Jim McDougal leniently. The appearance of conspiracy, however, was created not by the actions of the alleged parties but by selective reporting. Consider, for example, Gerth's treatment of the appointment of Beverly Bassett Schaffer as Arkansas securities commissioner in his March 8, 1992, article: "After Federal regulators found that Mr. McDougal's savings institution, Madison Guaranty, was insolvent, meaning it faced possible closure by the state, Mr. Clinton appointed a new state securities commissioner. ..." The clear implication is that in response to a Federal Home Loan Bank Board report dated Januuary 20, 1984, suggesting that Madison might be insolvent, Clinton in Jan uary 1985 installed Bassett Schaffer as Arkansas securities commissioner for the purpose of protecting McDougal. So how come he waited an entire year? In reality, the timing of Bassett Schaffer's appointment had nothing to do with the FHLBB report, which there's no reason to think Clinton knew about. (The Clintons had no financial stake in Madison Guaranty, although that, too, has been obscured.) The fact is that Bill Clinton had to find a new commissioner in January 1985 because the incumbent, Lee Thalhiemer, had resigned to reenter private practice. Appointed by Republican Governor Frank White and kept on by Clinton, Thalhiemer says he told Gerth this in an interview, and describes the Times version as "unmitigated horseshit." Bassett Schaffer strenuously insists that to this day she has never met McDougal, never heard Bill Clinton mention his name, and does not believe he influenced her appointment- -and told Gerth so. She had actively sought the job from the moment she learned that Thalhiemer was quitting (he confirms recommending her to Clinton). She herself had volunteered in Clinton's 1974 congressional campaign and had worked for him full time on the Arkansas attorney general's staff while in law school. And her brother, Woody Bassett, also a Fayetteville attorney, was a personal friend and supporter of Bill Clinton. The claim that Jim McDougal was behind Bassett Schaffer's appointment rests entirely on the word of McDougal himself, a victim of manic-depressive illness whose lawyer filed an insanity plea in a 1990 bank-fraud trial in U.S. District Court, in which McDougal was ultimately found not guilty. In his original 1992 article, Gerth had acknowledged McDougal's history of emotional illness but described him as "stable, careful and calm." By 1993 mention of those difficulties had all but vanished from the pages of the New York Times--despite the fact that the supposed recipient of Bill Clinton's largess was living in Arkadelphia in a trailer on SSI disability payments. Also unmentioned, for what it's worth, was that McDougal had long since recanted his accusations against Clinton and taken to blaming the whole mess on Republican partisans in the RTC. But did Bassett Schaffer help McDougal anyway? Did the Arkansas Securities Department, as Gerth asserts, have proof of Madison Guaranty's insolvency in early 1985? Did Bassett Schaffer have the legal authority to shut it down? Consider the allegation that Madison was insolvent and Bassett Schaffer failed to respond. True, the 1984 FHLBB report did argue that Madison Guaranty had overestimated its profit from contract land sales--not including Whitewater-- by $ 564,705. "Correcting entries will adversely effect (sic) net worth and result in an insolvent position." But is this proof of legal insolvency? Hardly. In the first place (although Gerth neglected to point this out), the title page of the document from wh ich the Times reporter took the one brief passage he cited stipulated that it had "been prepared for supervisory purposes only and should not be considered an audit report." More significantly, federal auditors later accepted Madison's position on contract land sales, and the putative adjustments were never made. Indeed, on June 26, 1984, six months after the report Gerth cited, and six months before Bassett Schaffer took office, Madison Guaranty's board of directors met in Dallas with state and federal regulators. They agreed to enter a formal "Supervisory Agreement" with the FHLBB that spelled out detailed legal and accounting procedures designed to help the S&L improve its financial position. In a letter dated September 11, 1984, the FHLBB gave Madison formal approval of a debt-restructuring plan that "negat ed the need for adjustment of $ 564,705 in improperly recognized profits" and dropped all references to insolvency. Arkansas officials also called Gerth's attention to an independent 1984 audit that also refuted Madison's insolvency. In his story the reporter neglected to mention either document. If McDougal shoved any funny money in the Clintons' direction--either through Whitewater or an April 1985 campaign fund-raiser- -the Arkansas Securities Department sure found an odd way to reward him. No sooner did Bassett Schaffer receive the FHLBB's 1986 report on Madison than she recommended stringent action. On July 11, 1986, she and a member of her staff flew to Dallas to meet with FHLBB and Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation regulators for a showdown with Madison's board. McDougal himself was not invited. McDougal was stripped of authority, and federal officials agreed to supervise the failed thrift until the FSLIC found money to pay depositors. When, a year later, Bassett Schaffer received an audit for 1986 (and a revised audit for 1985) officially reflecting that Madison Guaranty was insolvent, she wrote the FHLB B and FSLIC a letter, dated December 10, 1987, strenuously urging them to shut down Madison and two other Arkansas S&Ls. Fifteen months later, federal regulators (whose tardiness cannot be blamed on pressure from a state governor) finally locked Madison's doors. There is not the slightest evidence, then, that Bassett Schaffer inappropriately delayed taking action against Madison. Nor, it seems, did she bend the law when asked by Hillary Clinton to approve a stock sale by the ailing thrift. Remember the dark hint of misdeeds in Gerth and Engelberg's December 15, 1993, story: "Just a few weeks after Mr. McDougal raised the money for Governor Clinton , Madison Guaranty won approval from Mrs. Schaffer, Mr. Clinton's new financial regulator, for a novel plan to sell stock." Now, what made Madison Guaranty's plan "novel" is hard to say. The vast majority of state-regulated S&Ls in 1985 issued stock. Even so, the adjective, with its implication of wrong-doing, has recurred mantra-like in virtually every Whitewater roundup article since. For Hillary Rodham Clinton to have ventured anywhere near Madison in any capacity was a damn fool thing to do. But the fact is that her entire involvement in the "novel" stock issue consisted of the mention of her name in a letter written by a junior member of the Rose Law Firm expressing the opinion that it would be permissible under state law for Madison Guaranty to make a preferred stock offering. After studying the applicable statutes and consulting with her staff, Bassett Schaffer agreed. "Arkansas law," she wrote in a two-paragraph letter dated May 14, 1985--the now-famous "Dear Hillary" missive--"expressly gives state chartered associations all the powers given regular business corporations. .. including the power to authorize and issue preferred capital stock." Bassett Schaffer had issued the narrowest sort of regulatory opinion. Had she ruled otherwise, Madison Guaranty would h ave had no difficulty finding a judge to reverse her. Anyway, no application was ever filed. The Arkansas Securities Department's power to close ailing S&Ls was mostly theoretical. Unlike the feds, Bassett Schaffer's office had no plenary authority to shut S&Ls down and seize their assets. Nor did Arkansas law make any provision for the state to pay off despositors of bankrupt S&Ls. That duty belonged to the FSLIC. "We acted in unison at all times," says Walter Faulk, then director of supervision for the FHLBB in Dallas. "I never saw Bassett Schaffer take any action that was out of the ordinary. Nor, to be perfectly honest, could she have gotten away with anything if she did. To my knowledge, there is nothing that she or the governor of Arkansas did or could have done that would have delayed the action on this institution. " When I asked him recently about the discrepancies and omissions in his reporting, Jeff Gerth stood his ground, alternately argumenta tive and defensive, and did not wish to be quoted. He argues, for example, that he never literally wrote that Jim McDougal had in fact gotten Bassett Schaffer the job, merely that he'd claimed to. Her denial struck him as beside the point. In other instances, he pleaded limitations of time and space. The perception that Gerth most resents is the one most talked about in Arkansas: his reliance upon the hidden hand of Sheffield Nelson--Clinton' s 1990 Republican gubernatorial opponent and a legendary political infighter. The Times reporter insists that Nelson did no more than give him Jim McDougal's phone number and later introduce him to former Judge David Hale, whose defense attorney is Nelson's associate. Nelson, the Republican nominee for governor again in 1994, tends to be coy about his role. But he has given other reporters a thirty-eight- page transcript of an early 1992 conversation between himself and McDougal, then embittered by what he saw as Clinton's abandonm ent. Indeed, Jeff Gerth, Sheffield Nelson, and the New York Times go way back. As long ago as 1978, Gerth wrote a well-timed expose of Nelson's mortal foes Witt and Jack Stephens--the billionaire natural-gas moguls and investment bankers who ran Arkansas like a company store during the Orval Faubus era (1955-67). The Stephens brothers owned a small gas-distribution company in Fort Smith that was paying them at a better rate then other gas-royalty owners. But what made Gerth's piece significant was its timing: it appeared shortly before a Democratic primary in which the Stephenses' nephew, U.S. Representative Ray Thornton, was eliminated in a three-man race for the U.S. Senate. Gerth had promised local reporters he'd uncovered a scandal that would knock Thornton out of the race. Some observers think the Times article about the business dealings of Thornton's uncles did swing just enough votes in Fort Smith to keep him out of a runoff election won by Senator David P ryor. A few more highlights from Sheffield Nelson's political biography may help underline his motives for helping reporters portray the Clintons in the worst possible light. Hired out of college as Witt Stephens's personal assistant, Nelson was later installed as CEO of Arkansas-Louisiana Gas Co. (Arkla), controlled by the Stephens family and the state's principal natural-gas utility. (It was his subsequent refusal to use Arkla pipelines to carry gas from other Stephens-owned companies to buyers east of the state that eventually provoked a lifelong blood feud of Shakespearean malevolence. ) Until 1989 Nelson was a Democrat, impatiently biding his time until the end of the Clinton era. But when it became apparent that Clinton would run again in 1990, Nelson became a Republican and won the 1990 gubernatorial primary over an opponent funded by Stephens interests. Bill Clinton then proceeded to humiliate Nelson 58 percent to 42 percent in the general election. Clin ton owed his 1990 triumph in part to the fact that his Public Service Commission conducted an inquiry into a business deal involving Nelson and a friend of Nelson's named Jerry Jones. It seems that back when Nelson was CEO of Arkla, he'd overridden the objections of company geologists and sold the drilling rights to what turned into a mammoth gas field in western Arkansas to Arkoma, a company owned by Jones, whom Nelson had brought onto Arkla's board of directors. The price was $15 million. Jones found gas almost everywhere he drilled. Two years after Nelson's departure, Arkla paid Jones and his associates a reported $ 175 million to buy the same leases back as well as some other properties. Jerry Jones then proceeded to buy the Dallas Cowboys and win two Super Bowls. The election-year probe of the Arkla-Arkoma deal resulted in millions of dollars of refunds to rate payers, which wasn't necessarily the point. It also earned the President a permanent spot on Sheffiel d Nelson's enemies list. The result, it's no exaggeration to say, has been Whitewater. The talents of investigative reporters now poring over Whitewater documents might be better spent looking into another McDougal real-estate venture. Sheffield Nelson and Jerry Jones put up a reported $225,000 each in return for a 12.5 percent share of McDougal's ill-conceived luxury retirement community on Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada. It was New Deal Democrat McDougal's odd conceit that wealthy vacationers and retirees would be moved by sentimental memories of FDR's summer retreat (remember Sunrise at Campobello?) to purchase lots on a resort island that is in fact damp, cold, foggy, and remote. The Campobello project not only failed but helped pull Madison Guaranty down with it. Gerth and the Times have left that aspect of the Madison Guaranty story unexplored-- even though, unlike Whitewater, the name of Campobello Properties Ventures is mentioned prominently and re peatedly in the very FHLBB examination report that Gerth quoted in his original March 8, 1992, article. Also unlike Whitewater, the Campobello project did put a big chunk of Madison Guaranty's scant capital at risk--some $3.73 million, to be exact, at a time when the FHLBB examiner contended that the S&L was actually $70,000 in the hole. At last report, that particular picturesque stretch of Canadian coastline belonged to the Resolution Trust Corporation. Nelson and Jones, however, actually made a profit. In 1988, the FHLBB, then supervising Madison Guaranty's assets, bought the boys out for $725,000--leaving them a profit of $ 275,000. No doubt there's a plausible explanation, although William Seidman, chief of the FDIC and the RTC at the height of the S&L crisis, told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram that "I can't believe it. It's an extraordinary event. It smells. It could be legit, but I doubt it." Gerth says the Campobello deal holds no interest for Times readers. But imagine the uproar had your tax dollars bailed out the Clintons rather than an embittered Republican politician feeding damaging allegations to the New York Times. The same faults that mar Jeff Gerth's reporting on Whitewater-- misleading innuendo and ignorance or suppression of exculpatory facts--also showed up in the Times accounts of Hillary Rodham Clinton's commodity trades with Springdale attorney Jim Blair and her husband's dealings with Tyson Foods. "During Mr. Clinton's tenure in Arkansas," Gerth wrote near the top of his March 18, 1994, front-page account, "Tyson benefited from a variety of state actions, including $9 million in government loans, the placement of company executives on important state boards and favorable decisions on environmental issues." The alleged $9 million in loans was the implied quid pro quo for old pal Blair's generous tips to Hillary in the 1970s that helped her turn $ 1,000 into nearly $ 100,000. Following Gerth 's report, the incriminating $9 million figure appeared virtually everywhere. The Times itself weighed in with a March 31 editorial called "Arkansas Secrets," attacking the "seedy appearances" of Bill and Hillary Clinton's "extraordinary indifference to...the normal divisions between government and personal interests." The same editorial went on to deride what it called "the Arkansas Defense": that "you cannot apply the standards of the outside world to Arkansas, where a thousand or so insiders run things in a loosey-goosey way that may look unethical or even illegal to outsiders." Nor have Times editorial writers been the only ones to scold the Clintons for succumbing to the lax moral climate of the president's native state. The Baltimore Sun, Spiro Agnew's hometown paper, opined that the First Lady's adventures in the cow trade "certainly don't smell right, especially considering that Jim Blair represented a giant, influential agribusiness firm in Arkansas that later rec eived what seemed to be favors from Gov. Clinton." Newsweek's Joe Klein wrote of the President's "multiple-personali ty disorder," involving a moderate Clinton, a liberal Clinton, and "the likely suspect in the Whitewater inquiry, a pragmatic power politician who did whatever necessary to get and keep office in Arkansas...granting low-interest loans to not-very-needy business interests, who in turn contributed generously to his political campaigns. This Clinton snuggled up close to the Arkansas oligarchs, the bond daddies and chicken pluckers--and never quite escaped the orbit of the shadowy Stephens brothers, Witt and Jackson." (Witt Stephens has been dead for three years, and Jack Stephens is a Reagan Republican who has bankrolled nearly every Clinton opponent--except Sheffield Nelson--since the early 1980s.) There's just one problem with this chorus of self-righteous denunciation: the $9 million in loans that inspired it never existed. Especially atten tive readers of the New York Times may have noticed an odd little item in the daily "Corrections" column on April 20, 1994: An article on March 18 about Hillary Rodham Clinton's commodity trades misstated benefits that the Tyson Foods company received from the state of Arkansas. Tyson did not receive $9 million in loans from the state; the company did benefit from at least $ 7 million in state tax credits, according to a Tyson spokesman. Gerth blames a chart misread on deadline. But was the Times embarrassed? Hardly. In the journalistic equivalent of double jeopardy, the Times editors, having convicted Hillary Clinton on a spurious charge, decided she was guilty of a new charge: helping Tyson Foods to that $ 7 million in tax credits. No sooner had she held her April 22 press conference on Whitewater-related issues than the Times fretted that the First Lady's performance had been smooth but cleverly evasive. Particularly suspicious, an April 24 edito rial found, were her dealings with Jim Blair, "a lawyer for Tyson Foods, a large company that was heavily regulated by and received substantial tax credits from the Arkansas government." Emphasis added. And people call the President slick! The truth is far less lurid. The $7 million in investment tax credits Tyson Foods claimed against its Arkansas state tax bill after 1985--that is, between seven and fourteen years after Hillary's commodity trades--were written into the state's revenue code and were never Bill Clinton's to bestow or withhold. True, the Clinton Administration did sponsor the 1985 legislation that created the tax credits. It did so under strong pressure, not from Tyson but from International Paper, which threatened to take its processing plants elsewhere unless Arkansas matched tax breaks available from other states--a potentially severe economic blow to the already poor southern half of the state. Far from being unique to Arkansas, state investment tax credits are now the rule from sea to shining sea. One week after the Times made its lame correction, Tyson announced the opening of a new plant in Portland, Indiana. According to a press release by Indiana Governor Evan Bayh, the state and local governments provided some $9 million in economic incentives-- approximately equal to what Tyson got from Arkansas during Bill Clinton's six terms. Elsewhere, nearly every bit of evidence cited as proof of shady connections between the Clintons and Tyson Foods in the Times March 18, 1994, front-page story got the familiar Gerth treatment. Besides the imaginary $9 million in loans, Gerth cited several other suspicious transactions, among them a bitter court battle over polluted groundwater in the town of Green Forest in which the Clinton Administration "failed to take any significant action," and a pair of seemingly tainted appointments- -including renaming a Tyson veterinarian to the state Livestock and Poultry Commission and Jim Blair to the University of Arkansas board. An objective account of the court battle would have pointed out that the city of Green Forest was itself a defendant in the same lawsuit. Bill Clinton was not. Officials of the Arkansas Department of Pollution Control and Ecology testified for the plaintiffs against Tyson Foods. So much for yet another dark Clintonian conspiracy. Reappointing a Tyson veterinarian to the Livestock and Poultry Commission? Clinton is guilty as charged. Except that the fellow happens to be the state's ranking expert on chicken diseases, the prevention and treatment of which is the commission's principal task. As for naming Jim Blair himself to the University of Arkansas board? Well, it's quite an honor, and Blair can undeniably score great Razorback tickets. Otherwise, where's the scandal? At any rate, Blair wasn't a Tyson employee back when he and Hillary did their cattle trades. He was in private practice as one of Springdale's most prom inent corporate attorneys, representing banks, trucking companies, insurance firms, and poultry interests. Gerth portrayed chicken mogul Don Tyson as a major Clinton supporter and fund-raiser, one whose close ties to the President had "been a subject of debate for years in Little Rock and which became an issue during the 1992 Presidential campaign." The fact is that Clinton's battles with Tyson and the poultry industry are legendary in Arkansas. After Clinton failed to support an effort by the poultry and trucking lobbies to raise the truck weight limit to 80,000 pounds, Tyson backed his Republican opponent, Frank White, in 1980 and 1982 and refused to speak to Clinton for years. When Clinton finally gave in on the 80,000-pound limit (making Arkansas the last of the states to do so), he pushed through the legislature an unusual "tonmile" tax on eighteen wheelers--scaling the fee to the weight and distance they drove on Arkansas highways. The ton-mile tax was eventually thrown out after a bitter court battle. (In keeping with tradition, a profile of Clinton in The New York Times Magazine by Michael Kelly last July omitted the political context and cited the same fight as evidence of Clinton's spinelessness. ) Like most Arkansans, Tyson did back Clinton's 1983 educational reforms and made relatively modest campaign contributions from then on--something that was clearly prudent on the part of one of the state's largest private employers. But in the legislature the poultry and trucking industries fought virtually every Clinton initiative. Indeed it was Clinton's anger at the poultry industry and the Stephens interests, among others, after they combined to beat back a half-cent education sales tax in 1987 that provoked him to create a statewide "blue-ribbon" panel to write Arkansas's first meaningful ethics and disclosure law. After the selfsame "special interests" gutted the thing during a special session, Clinton dissolved the legislative session, led the effort to put the new standard on the ballot as an initiated act, campaigned for it hard, and won. (Times editorial writers may be interested to know that New York Governor Mario Cuomo's having earned $ 270,000 in 1992 giving speeches might constitute a felony here in darkest Arkansas.) Don Tyson did throw in with the governor on one notable issue during Clinton's last go-around with the Arkansas legislature. A charter member of the so-called Good Suit Club--a group of wealthy bankers and businessmen, like the late Sam Walton of Wal-Mart, who met informally to encourage educational reform--Tyson endorsed Clinton's plan to levy a 1/2 of 1 percent increase in the corporate income tax to benefit community technical colleges, helping the bill win the necessary three-fourths vote. Quick, somebody call Gerth at the New York Times and notify the special prosecutor. Something tells me they're fixing to load those technical colleges up w ith poultry-science courses. All of this raises the really interesting question at the heart of the Whitewater scandal: why--with representatives of the vaunted national press camped out in Little Rock for weeks at a time, squinting over aged public documents and pontificating nightly at the Capital Hotel bar--has nobody blown the whistle on Gerth and the New York Times? There are several reasons, ambition and fear among them. It is always safest to run with the pack, and editors who invest thousands of dollars on a scandal don't normally want to hear that there's no scandal to be found. Reporters who have challenged aspects of the official version, like Greg Gordon and Tom Hamburger of the Minneapolis Star Tribune and John Camp of CNN, have not found their celebrity enhanced. Those who have tried to split the difference, like the reporters for Time magazine--which has always reported (albeit parenthetically) that Arkansas bank regulators treated Madison Guaranty s ternly--have ended up producing accounts as muddled and self-referential as a John Barth novel. "The dealings in question," Time's George Church wrote last January 24, "are so complex that it is difficult even to summarize the suspicions they arouse, let alone cite the evidence supporting such suspicions. ... Violations of law, if any, would be extremely difficult to prove." And people call Clinton mealymouthed. Regional bias and cultural condescension play a part, too. How could the New York Times be wrong and the Arkansas Times be right? But even if Bill Clonton had been governor of Connecticut instead of Arkansas, in the post-Watergate, post-everythinggate culture no reporter wishes to appear insufficiently prosecutorial- -particularly not when the suspects are the President and his wife. By definition they've got to be guilty of something; it may as well be Whitewater. (*)By this time, recall, the stakes were incontestably higher--Bill Clinton was Presid ent of the United States; politically damaging memos by one Jean Lewis, an employee in the ostensibly neutral RTC, had been leaked to Republican Congressman Jim Leach and others; and right-wing outfits like Floyd Brown's Citizens United had begun to churn out what Trudy Lieberman in the Columbia Journalism Review called "a steady stream of tips, tidbits, documents, factoids, suspicions and story ideas for the nation's press." Paper: HOUSTON CHRONICLE Date: TUE 06/23/1987 Section: 1 Page: 11 Edition: 2 STAR POTHOLES & PROMISES/Montgomery County's crumbling subdivisions/ Developers facing county crackdown By CATHY GORDON Staff Had developer Albert Morello known Montgomery County's land development rules and regulations 10 years ago, his development would not be among the hundreds in the county now considered slums, he says. "The county should have told us 20 years ago to do these subdivisions a certain way. I could have done it, then sold the lots with restrictions at a higher price and gotten a better class of people in there," said Morello, a feisty man of 71 with an undeniably New York accent. "As it is now, people slapped a few dollars down for just what they were getting and slopped up the whole place. It's a slum. The county asking me to put in a new road there now is like putting on a $200 pair of shoes with a $25 suit. Forget it." Morello is co-developer of Midline Estates, one of 600 (actually 635)unrecorded subdivisions that do not meet Montgomery County's specifications for roads and drainage. The land is swampy. Homes resembling shacks border its pothole-riddled dirt roads. Automobile parts and metal scraps litter the yards. Montgomery County, in its crackdown on developers of unrecorded subdivisions, wants the mess cleaned up. Morello is one of hundreds of developers receiving letters or telephone calls from the county asking that they upgrade roads and drainage. It irks him, he says, because he wasn't informed of the county's subdivision rules and regulations sooner. Had he known, he would have complied, he said. "Forty years ago, when I first came to Houston, I saw developments in Harris County where developers subdivided property, stuck in a dirt road and sold to just anyone. I said to myself: `This is a terrible thing. There should be some restrictions, "' said Morello, who has stopped selling property in Midline Estates. "Well, here we are. The same thing happened in Montgomery County, and it's the county's fault. In other words, I `poor-boyed' this subdivision. I didn't have any money to do it any other way. But no one was defrauded. I didn't misrepresent anything. What you see is what you get. It's unfair for the county to come back now and say we want you to do it another way, when they didn't give a hoot back then." The county has had other complaints from those who say it failed to enforce its own rules. "I feel like it's unfair," said S.E. Rutledge, who has been sued by the county because of substandard roads and drainage in the east county Southern Pines subdivision. "We never intended to make those roads in there county specified roads," Rutledge said, "and we never told anybody we would. I think it's a bunch of crock if anybody is saying that we did." Though Rutledge is working on a plan to upgrade the subdivision, he said he feels he's taking a bum rap. "If they had rules, they should have enforced them," he said. Indeed, there were rules, say county officials who aren't buying developers' complaints as valid excuses not to upgrade. "There were rules dating back to 1967," said County Engineer Don Blanton, who has inspected more substandard roads than he cares to count. "There's no skirting around it. Developers had the option of recording, platting and fixing their subdivisions according to less stringent rules we had in the 1960s. If they had done it, they wouldn't be facing this problem now," Blanton said. While the county did not condone unrecorded subdivisions, he said, there was a time it didn't do enough to prevent them either. During the real estate boom of the 1970s, the county's population more than doubled from 49,479 in 1970 to 128,487 in 1980. But county manpower was another matter. "At the time of the boom in the '70s, the county had a one-man engineering department, as I understand it," said Blanton, who did not start working for the county until 1979. "There was no way he could keep up with all these developments going in. And Commissioners Court, at that time, had not made the commitment to control the unrecorded subdivisions. We have now." The mood of the day also saw commissioners bowing to constituents by accepting their substandard roads. "When you had enough people living in an area with substandard roads making demands of their commissioner, those commissioners traditionally responded by going in there and bailing out the citizens, trying to bail out the school district because they couldn't get buses down those roads," Blanton said. "The county can't afford to do it anymore." While the county touts renewed vigor in enforcing subdivision rules and regulations, it's not exactly a stranger to meeting developers in court. In September 1983, the county sued developer R.V. King and his corporation, La Cour Du Roi Inc. claiming King had violated the county's regulations in his Wilderness subdivision off FM 1488 near Magnolia. The development has no plat or plan recorded with the county. Its roads are made of dirt. In one area, a gas pipeline easement serves as the only access to residents' trailers. "It's just a bunch of rural land. It looks like somebody's farm or something," said former Assistant Montgomery County Attorney Randy Morse, who prosecuted the case. King maintained the subdivision' s roads were private, the lots were legally sold by metes and bounds and that the county had no authority to regulate its development. He claimed the county's subdivision rules were not legally adopted and, therefore, not applicable. A state district court ruled the Wilderness subdivision was within the city of Conroe's extraterritorial jurisdiction and not subject to county regulations. The appeals court, however, overturned the ruling in favor of the county, establishing that it had jurisdiction in ETJs to regulate subdivision development. The case since has been remanded to state district court to determine, among other things, if King was the object of selective enforcement. "At the time of the Wilderness case, the county went after some developers to test the regulations and attempt to gain more voluntary compliance," assistant Montgomery County Attorney Marc Winberry said. "Now, the county is adopting a more active program of litigation to garner compliance." Another case that pitted the county against a developer involved the unrecorded Glenmost Estates subdivision near Magnolia. The developers, Michael Fitzmaurice and Lawrence Lind, claimed they were being unfairly blacklisted by the county - that the county was trying to coerce them into upgrading certain things at the subdivisions by denying building permits to property owners. The county contended Lind and Fitzmaurice violated subdivision rules and regulations. A settlement was reached with the developers agreeing to upgrade certain aspects of Glenmost Estates. But before it got that far, the two men declared bankruptcy. Another company, Stewart and Hill with developer Beau King, has since taken over the property and has been ordered by the bankruptcy court to upgrade the subdivision to county standards by August 1990. "We're trying to live with the plan of reorganization and get the roads up to standard," said Mike Schneider, who oversees road construction for Stewart and Hill. Attorney Nelda Radabaugh, hired by Montgomery County to tackle the problem of unrecorded subdivisions, said she is surprised at the number of developers who have cooperated since being sent warning letters by the county. "It's very difficult for some developers who did it one way five or 10 years ago to switch over and do it a different way now," she said. The rules have become more stringent. For example, the county now requires developers to use 6 inches of road base and 2 inches of surface mix on the roads. Before 1980, it required only 4 inches of road base and 2 1/2 inches of surface. County officials advise would-be developers in the county to obtain a copy of its regulations before designing a subdivision layout. That plan then should be presented to the county, and the health department should be contacted concerning plans for water wells and septic systems. Developers must put up a bond so the county can secure construction performance. Once the plat is approved by Commissioners Court, it can be filed in the county clerk's office. Only then can developers start selling lots in the subdivision. Once the plat is approved and recorded, the developer has 18 months to build the roads. "A reliable developer should have sufficient reserves to get the roads built without relying on money from sales in the subdivision, " said Winberry. Conroe developer Austin B. McComb said subdivision regulations are fine and good, but he prefers that his subdivision remain unrecorded so he can keep his speed bumps. "In my subdivision, all the roads are paved, a water system is in. The reason I don't want the county to take it over is the county doesn't allow speed bumps, and I'd have to take them out. My residents like them," said McComb, developer of the Lake Creek Falls subdivision off FM 1488. McComb said he has received no complaints from the 20 families who live there. He said his contracts to lot owners specify that the subdivision is unrecorded and that he will maintain the roads until such time the county takes them over or they are given to the residents' lot owners association. McComb said the county is painting developers with too wide a brush. "Not every developer is out to defraud the public," he said. "I've lived here all my life and love it here and have no reason to start being unfair with people now. I start doing that, and I'd have to leave. I'm too old for that." Fund-raiser nets Bush's campaign $700,000 BILL MINTZ : Staff Richard Secord testified Tuesday that he met with a Bush aide to complain about the quality of (ORDINANCE) ooops spare parts being provided to the contras. 05/06/1987 It's A Letter From "Ollie" BAD NEWS FIRST It Says The God Damned Houston Post Put Secord's and Ollie's Picture On The front Page of the Houston Post. Yeah SHIT last night at the Galleria Hotel on Westheimer in Houston. YES DAMN IT Big H yeah 41 - George H was in the Hotel. Good News Though - The Banksters in TEXAS gave Heavily SHIT - Secord is PISSED about the ORDINANCE CRAP OOPS SPARE PARTS we're shipping to the IRANIANS, Brother SADDAM and those PESKY CONTRAS Ollie Says - COMMERCIAL DRYWALL was there ???? Who the SHIT is Commercial Drywall ???? Yeah God Damn It Just As Bush 41 / BIG H - Was Comming In The REAR Service Entrance TWO CLOWNS wearing Commercial Drywall Hard Hats were loading a YELLOW VOLVO STATION WAGON, they were CARPENTERS LOCAL 213 Union Guys CARPENTERS NOT PLUMBERS Yeah "Commercial Drywall" http://www.marekbro Dear : Mr. Rancourt , Dr. Phillips, Mr. Harmon, Stew, Tom, Mr. Conyers, Lou Dobbs And All My Patriot Friends Et Al : The Lie Factory: How Bush Fabricated the Case for War Journalist Robert Dreyfuss P L U S : Author Mike Davis ONLINE NOW Stream | Download Scooter Libby is just the tip of the iceberg. There's a whole neocon machine of lies and distortions called the Office of Special Plans, built to get us into war with Iraq. It's linked to familiar names like Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and yes, Libby. Mother Jones writer Robert Dreyfuss explains. Also, just how bad could the avian flu epidemic get, and does the US have a chance at being prepared? We check in with Mike Davis, author of "Monster at our Door: The Global Threat of Avian Flu." Plus, Morey Meniscus gets the inside scoop on the Alito nomination. GET THE MOTHER JONES RADIO NEWSLETTER New broadcast alerts straight to your inbox Ah That PE$KY $ecret GUVMINT How Much Doe$ The 550 Billion Dollar$ Looted By Iran Contra Ollie N Company NSA & The MAFIA From U$ Banks and $&Ls Weigh In 100 Dollar Bills ? ABOUT 60,626 Tons The Intelligence Chain Illustration by Nigel Holmes Shortly after 9/11, the Pentagon established a secret intelligence unit to build the case against Iraq. The unit's members -- many of whom were recruited from neoconservative think tanks, primarily the American Enterprise Institute and the Project for the New American Century -- funneled faulty information up the chain of command, often all the way to the White House. By early 2002, the unit had been incorporated into the Defense Department's Office of Special Plans. http://www.motherjo war_timeline/ YE$ YE$ "41" you know VP Bush, BIG H George yeah HE Wa$ In The Galleria Hotel On We$theimer In HOU$TON That Night !!!!!! Yeah , $ecord and I , Ye$ 41 WE DID Put the Touch on The Texa$ Bankster$ FINANCING $ECRET MILITARY OFF THE $HELF $TAND ALONE NO OVER$IGHT http://video. videoplay? docid=3505348655 137118430 Here's Your References - US CODE: Title 18,4. Misprision of felony TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 1 > � 4. Prev | Next. � 4. Misprision of felony. How Current is This? ... of the actual commission of a felony cognizable ... edu/uscode/18/ 4.html - 9k - Cached - More from this site Misprision of felony - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Misprision of felony, under the common law of England, was the crime of failing ... (wais.access. United States Code Title 18, Part I, Chapter I, Section 4 ... Quick Links: References en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Misprision_of_felony - 21k - Cached - More from this site US CODE: Title 18,402. Contempts constituting crimes TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 21 > � 402. Prev | Next. � 402. ... of this title and shall be punished by a fine under this title or imprisonment, or both. ... edu/uscode/18/ 402.html - 10k - Cached - More from this site NOW Lets Start With - How Big This Problem Is Lets Start With Looted Money Ah That PESKY Secret GUVMINT YE$ GOD DAMNED IT WE MADE $URE I $hredded That F'n DONOR LI$T Hell Attorney General Ed Mee$e was my LOOK OUT Ollie $ays "that Richard Secord is Pi$$ed " About the Quality Of MI$$LES ooops $pare Parts we're $hipping to The IRANIAN$ and the CONTRA$ and that Collection$ from the TEXA$ BANK$TER$ are comming along just fine !!! Yeah BIG H 41 was in the Hotel Last Night on We$theimer and Richard $ecord want$ MORE $tingers and Hawk$ http://video. videoplay? docid=3505348655 137118430 Yeah BAD & UGLY Well Maybe Not That far Back FOR NOW !!! Here's Your Example How Tall Is Mount Everest ?? Answer: 8850 m = 29035.433 ft 29 035.433 divided by 5 280 feet in a mile = 5.49913504 miles 53 ,398, 058 miles divided by Mount Everests Height of 5.49 = 9, 726 ,422.22 A Line Of $100 Bills nearly 10 MILLION TIMES HIGHER or LONGER than Mount Everest Is High judson witham <jurisnot@...> wrote: Dear Mr. Harmon, Et Al The EPITOMY of GUVMINT SOPHISMS ? I can NOT remember - I do NOT recall !!! When they steal HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS they leave a trail of money (in Hundred Dollar Bills ) 53,398,058 Miles Long At 1.7 Billion a Copy thats the price of 323 Space Shuttles The Space Shuttle Endeavour, the orbiter built to replace the Space Shuttle Challenger, cost approximately $1.7 billion. Source http://www.nasa. gov/centers/ kennedy/about/ information/ shuttle_faq. html#1 OR Stacked Up in $100 Bills Bills ON TOP of one another the stack would reach 14.927 MILES High NOTE SEE CALCULATIONS BELOW Currently Mr. Harmon "MUCH" of the US Government has a HUGE Credibility Problem See Buying The War PBS Bill Moyers Journal Unfortunately Mr. Harmon Et Al Many of these folks we deal with are ABSOULTELY CORRUPT and EXCEEDINGLY SELF RIGHTOUS. I want to quote Pvt. Jessica Lynch and America's Hero Pat Tillman's brother Mike Tillman who stated yesterday before Congress , as I have to agree " American Families Do Not Deserve Elaborate Lies" U.S. military announcements false, misleading, Congress told Jessica Lynch, Kevin Tillman, the brother of Army Ranger Pat Tillman, and the ... own ideals for heroes, and they don't need to be told elaborate lies," she said. ... story.indiagazette. com/index. php/ ct/9/cid/.../id/244097/cs/ 1 - Ranger Alleges Cover-Up in Tillman Case ... also heard Tuesday from Jessica Lynch, the former Army private who ... own ideals of heroes and they don't need to be told elaborate lies," Lynch said. ... palmbeachpost. com/storm/... /ap/US_Congress/Tillman_Friendly_ Fire.html "The bottom line is the American people are capable of determining their own ideals of heroes and they don't need to be told elaborate lies," Lynch said. Kevin Tillman, in his testimony, accused the military of "intentional falsehoods" and "deliberate and careful misrepresentations" in the portrayal of his brother's death. How Much Does The 550 Billion Dollars Looted From US Banks and S&Ls Weigh In 100 Dollar Bills ? ABOUT 60,626 Tons OR a Stack Of 100 Bills 15Miles HIGH 550 Billion divided by 20 Billion = 27.5 and then divide 27.5 by 100 dollars = .275 times 54.28 (100th the 5428 Miles of the ONE DOLLAR BILLS) EQUALS 14.927 Miles Now Lined Up End To End 5280 feet per mile times 12 inches per equals 63360 inches divide by 6.14 inches per dollar = 10,319 dollars per mile. Now divide by 100 and you get 103 One Hundred Dollar Bills Per Mile TAKE 5 Billion 500 Million ( 1 hundreth of 550 Billion ) and divide by 103 which = 53,398,058 miles, (Being 103 - $100 Bills per mile ) and divide by 190 miles LOWE Shuttle Orbit and you get a trail of $100 Bills - lined up end to end that can reach the shuttle 281,010 Times Enough To Reach The Space Shutttle IN ORBIT as many as 281,010 TIMES Please Check My Math and send your comments PLEASE SEE For Calculation Tables !!! Thickness of a Dollar Bill http://hypertextboo 1999/DeneneWilli ams.shtml The Physics Factbook� Edited by Glenn Elert -- Written by his students An educational, Fair Use website topic index | author index | special index Bibliographic Entry Result (w/surrounding text) Standardized Result 95q01.html. Physics Zone. Ithaca High School. "The thickness of a dollar bill is closest to 10-4 m" 0.1 mm Collector's Formula. Bureau of Engraving and Printing. "Our present sized currency measures 2.61 inches wide by 6.14 inches long, and the thickness is.0043 inches." 0.11 mm Purkey, William W. & Stanley, Paula H. "Blue Leader One: A Metaphor For Invitational Education." Journal of Invitational Theory and Practice. 3, 1 (Winter 1994). "Stacked on top of each other, 20 billion cards, each with the thickness of a dollar bill, would stretch 5,428 miles into space." 0.44 mm Currency Counters. Change Exchange. "DHP 1-D Bank Note Counter � Thickness 0.12 mm x 0.6 mm" 0.12 - 0.60 mm Money, simply put, is what people use to buy things. It can best be described as anything agreed on to be accepted in exchange for things that have been sold or worked for. The first coins came about to assure the value of metal money. They were given set weights and stamped with designs so that their value would not be mistaken. The use of paper money developed in England during the 1600s. People back then stored their money with goldsmiths, who in return would give paper receipts worth the same value of their coined money. These receipts were accepted by businesses because with the receipt businesses were able to retrieve the payments from the goldsmiths. Modern day paper money is made by skillful engravers who cut the designs into steel plates. One engineer works on the portraits and another on the lettering. All other designs are taken care of by other engineers. The engraving goes to a transfer press, where it is squeezed against a steel roller and the design is pressed into the roller's surface. The design is then applied to a printing plate that is used to print the bills. To avoid counterfeiting the government uses paper and ink made by special processes to print the bills. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing guard the ink and paper under high security. Paper money in the United States has special characteristics including length, width, thickness, and physical design. The size of a dollar bill is 6.6294 cm wide, by 15.5956 cm long, and 0.010922 cm in thickness. Paper money is also equipped with printing plate identification number, number of federal reserve district where issued, year in which the bill was designed, seal and letter identifying Federal Reserve District where issued, serial number in two different places, and a treasury seal. Space Shuttle and International Space Station Source NASA at http://www.nasa. gov/centers/ kennedy/about/ information/ shuttle_faq. html#14 Q. How fast does a Shuttle travel? What is its altitude? How much fuel does it use? A. Like any other object in low-Earth orbit, a Space Shuttle must reach speeds of about 17,500 miles per hour (28,000 kilometers per hour) to remain in orbit. The exact speed depends on the Space Shuttle's orbital altitude, which normally ranges from 190 miles to 330 miles (304 kilometers to 528 kilometers) above sea level, depending on its mission. This is the SIZE of the Land Fraud banking and S&L Looting Mess Bill Clinton Says "Uh Durr " A Texas Red Flag Subdivision CON IS JUST Like YUP Ol Judson Witham Has It RIGHT Former Texas AG Mark White " Jim Hightower AGREES " A COLONIAS CON or a Texas or ARIZONA Land Fraud Says Former Texas AG Mattox I CONCUR "YES SIR" I AGREE ! YUP land CONS and S&L Looting go together like PB&J Webster Hubble LAND FLIPPING ILLEGAL SUBDIVISIONS For Fun and Illegal profits Texas AG Greg Abbot Says WITHAM IS ON TARGET Texas AG Morales YUP THE GIGS UP http://www.azcentra special01/ http://www.azcentra special01/ articles/ 0528bolles- overview. html http://www.azcentra ublic/news/ articles/ 0123colonias0. html http://jeff. scott.tripod. com/donbolles. html Project Land Fraud CENSORED ?????? Land Fraud Land fraud in Cochise County ... Map. COCHISE COUNTY TREASURER'S PROJECT - LAND FRAUD. Every Arizona County and hundreds of thousands of trusting land purchasers were ... - 18k - Cached Every Arizona County and hundreds of thousands of trusting land purchasers were victimized by the rampant land scams of the 1960's. Artist renditions showed trees and lakes with boating and all the modern facilities: streets, street lights, golf courses, a real piece of the American dream. The true picture was a section of dry Arizona deserts with no development whatsoever. Although Arizona has the reputation of being the worst in the nation, Florida was not far behind and many states had similar swindles take place during the same time period..... Land fraud, bankruptcy, murder, suicide, incarceration and greed surround the history of Cochise College Park subdivision. Located in Cochise County, consisting of 2 phases of 12 units totaling 8,647 lots, it was the worst fraud in the states and possibly the Nation. The scenic lake at Cochise College Park was filled several times but never would hold water. They sold lots throughout the Midwest, Florida, Canada, across the United States and around the world. Some lots were sold twice. Some mortgages were sold twice. Many documents remain unrecorded today. Some owners never received their deed. Some received deeds but never received satisfaction of their mortgage. Some paid mortgages in full and received satisfaction of the mortgage only to learn the mortgage was sold and the second sale never recorded. The original mortgage is still on record at the County Recorder's office. They paid on an unrecorded mortgage. This story was repeated in various degrees across the State creating tangled subdivisions with many unbuildable lots..... "Vickers, 58, was sentenced to five years in prison on Oct. 12, 1988, in Arizona for money laundering and conducting an illegal enterprise." The Missing Billions from TEXAS Banks and S&Ls Oliver North, Geroge H. Bush and IRAN CONTRA Note: See The Houston Post's Accounts Fund-raiser nets Bush's campaign $700,000 BILL MINTZ : Staff Richard Secord testified Tuesday that he met with a Bush aide to complain about the quality of spare parts being provided to the contras. 05/06/1987 ************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ****** Dear Mr. Harmon: In 1989 US District Judge James DeAnda in Houston Federal Court granted a discovery order in Witham vs. Montgomery County, Texas. That order was the result of ADMISSIONS by Texas State Officials that the Conroe Texas area of Montgomery County, Texas immediately North of the devastated Banking Center at Houston was the location of more than 600 Illegal Land Development Schemes nearly identical to those exposed by Don Bolles of Arizona (See IRE's Arizona Project) and the infamous land development cons of the Clintons and the McDougals in Arkansas. This discovery order was to produce the NAMES of the PRINCIPLES responcible for the LAWFUL Platting, Dedications of Rights of Ways and the BONDING and COMPLETION of the many, many BILLIONS worth of integral improvements construction ie streets, drainage, traffic control and acceptance of the SUBDIVISIONS into the STATE's Road and Street Progr ams (Acceptance Of The Construction By State Officials). The problem was getting Judge DeAnda and the 5th Circuit to uphold the OBVIOUS VICTORY in discovery we were able to achieve. The issue was connecting the DOTS or making the Connection and Proving a Common Nexus between STATE OFFICIALS and the OBVIOUS CROOKED LAND DEALERS and their FINANCIERS. The issue being a Civil and even Criminal Conspiracy amongst the LAND FLIPPERS and the County Officials even the County's Sheriff in the CRIMINAL ENTERPRIZES. The fact is Judge DeAnda refused to ENFORCE HIS OWN ORDER and well the 5th Circuit simply made up a HUGE PILE OF BULLSHIT in it's upholding the COVER UP that was Orchestrated by the State and Federal Government agencies such as HUD and even the Texas Real Estate Commission, Several State Attorney Generals and THE HOUSTON FBI. My point is very simple, the Assistant US Attorney "JA" Tony Canales AFTER LEAVING THE US ATTORNEY'S POST in Houston went after Mr. Robert L. Vickers in his new PRIVATE LAW PRACTICE. See the excerpts below from the Houston Chronicle. Fund-raiser nets Bush's campaign $700,000 BILL MINTZ : Staff Richard Secord testified Tuesday that he met with a Bush aide to complain about the quality of spare parts being provided to the contras. 05/06/1987 Reporter killing case reopened, but motive remains a mystery LARRY LOPEZ : Associated Press Bolles had left a note at his desk saying he was planning to meet him to discuss a land-fraud scheme involving high-level politicians. 12/03/1989 `Epidemic' of bank, S&L fraud cited/D.C. panel blaming insider misconduct for many failures JAMES DRUMMOND, BOB SABLATURA : Staff Insolvent banks are much less likely to be audited by an independent accountant than healthy banks. They are drawn away by higher salaries paid by banks. 10/14/1988 Fraud `epidemic' cited in bank, S&L failures JAMES DRUMMOND, BOB SABLATURA : Staff Insolvent banks are much less likely to be audited by an independent accountant than healthy banks. 10/14/1988 Northwest Bank and Trust shut down GREG STEINMETZ : Staff Northwest Bank and Trust is the 17th bank to fail in the Houston area this year. The biggest bank to fail was Western Bank-Westheimer, which had $290 million in assets when it toppled last October. 06/24/1988 Funds at more banks frozen in fraud case RAD SALLEE : Staff Investigator Clyde Wilson said he reached Vickers by phone in a Yuma, Ariz., prison, and Vickers told him his name is being used by others, but he is not involved in the scheme. 12/29/1989 $14 million frozen in lawsuit alleging mortgage fraud RAD SALLEE : Staff Zager said that attorney Whittle's signature is on the deeds of trust and that attorney Vickers' is on the title policy commitments. 12/23/1989 Government plans to double forces fighting thrift fraud BILL MINTZ, Houston Chronicle Washington Bureau : Staff Bank and savings and loan fraud cases are extremely labor intensive," Oncken said in a telephone interview. 12/08/1989 POTHOLES & PROMISES/Montgomery County's crumbling subdivisions/ Investors mired in muddy mess of sub... CATHY GORDON : Staff With hindsight, Donald Clesson recognizes he was the perfect stool pigeon to take over development of the pothole-riddled Pinewood Village subdivision. 06/22/1987 Road woes continue/Neighborho od battles county over upkeep PAUL McKAY : Staff Such agreements are frequently negotiated with residents of red flag subdivisions, Winberry says. The problem goes a lot further than just this single subdivision. " 09/24/1989 Road repair delays rile residents PATTI MUCK : Staff The estimated cost of materials to bring the subdivision' s roads up to county standards is $150,000, Denham said. 09/21/1989 POTHOLES & PROMISES/Montgomery County's crumbling subdivisions/ Homeowners handle property woes CATHY GORDON : Staff Others - about 600 - are unrecorded or "red flag" subdivisions that do not meet county road and drainage standards and have no plats, or plans, filed. 06/21/1987 The VERY BOTTOM LINE is simple, Subdivision Development in the 20th Century was a HIGHLY REGULATED undertaking going back to the Lootings of the S&Ls and banks in the 1920s primarily in FLORIDA and TEXAS Land Development Speculation Cons which the US Secret Service, FBI and US Congress Fully Investigated in the 1930s. The ROBERT L. VICKERS SUED by Toney Canales in his PRIVATE PRACTICE, was IN FACT directly involved with the PINEWOOD VILLAGE CON which involved Western Bank Westheimer and a number of folks discussed by PETER BREWTON in his investigations into MONEY DEALS with Olliver North, Richard Secord and the IRAN CONTRA MISSILE deals and the ARMING of the Contras in Niceraugua. The Good The Bad & The Ugly Secord's - North's Enterprise YUP 60,626 TONS of $100 Bills The Great Texas Bank Job ( remember ? ) How Much Does The Looted 550 Billion Dollars Weigh In 100 Dollar Bills ABOUT 60,626 Tons Financier convicted in bank fraud/Beebe pleads guilty in connection with loan from failed thrift JAMES DRUMMOND : Staff Herman K. Beebe Sr., a Louisiana financier with longtime ties to Texas financial institutions, pleaded guilty and was convicted Friday of two counts of bank fraud. 05/03/1988 NATIONAL BRIEFS Houston Chronicle News Services A mistrial was declared in the federal loan fraud trial of former Shreveport millionaire Herman K. Beebe after the jury said it was hopelessly deadlocked. 10/06/1987 Louisiana trial may reverberate in Texas/Prosecutors say Beebe case may become part of federal probe... JAMES DRUMMOND : Staff Herman K. Beebe Jr., Beebe Sr.'s son, has been listed as a director of the bank for several years. Beebe's once-thriving group of companies now lies in disrepair. 09/06/1987 Regulators close Louisiana bank United Press International Another reminder of the collapsed financial empire of former Shreveport entrepreneur Herman K. Beebe fell Wednesday when state banking officials closed Pelican State Bank of Mansfield. 06/25/1987 The U.S. invasion of Panama/Noriega could unveil American secrets if he were to be tried NANCY MATHIS, Houston Chronicle Washington Bureau : Staff WASHINGTON - Deposed Panama Gen. Manuel A 12/31/1989 Hakim pleads guilty to misdemeanor in Iran-Contra case Houston Chronicle News Services About $8 million from the maze of companies operated by Hakim and his business partner, Richard Secord, remains frozen in Swiss bank accounts the two men formerly controlled. 11/22/1989 Hakim expected to plead guilty in Iran-Contra case Associated Press He is accused of conspiring with former business partner Richard Secord to set up a $200,000 fund for North's family. 11/21/1989 Reagan's Iran-Contra records are subpoenaed Houston Chronicle News Services Richard Beckler, Poindexter's primary attorney, said the order also authorizes him to subpoena Reagan as a witness at Poindexter's trial. 11/17/1989 Prosecutors pleased at Secord guilty plea ROBERT L. JACKSON : Los Angeles Times Richard V. Secord was hailed by prosecutors as closing an important chapter in their long investigation of the scandal. Sources said Secord's plea places Hakim under new pressure to enter a plea. 11/09/1989 Secord pleads guilty to charge of perjury Houston Chronicle News Services Secord's attorney, Thomas Green, objected to that portion of the government's evidence, saying Secord had not been involved in a cover-up. Hakim and Secord were the middlemen in U.S.-Iran arms sales. 11/08/1989 Iran-Contra case figure arranges plea bargain ROBERT L. JACKSON, RONALD J. OSTROW : Los Angeles Times Richard Secord have negotiated a plea bargain with federal prosecutors on the 12 criminal charges against Secord in the Iran-Contra case, it was learned Tuesday. 11/08/1989 Secord pleads guilty in deal Staff Richard Secord, a central figure in the Iran-Contra scandal, pleaded guilty today to a single perjury charge in a deal for his cooperation in the criminal investigation into the affair. 11/08/1989 Farewell to turbulent 10 years/It was a decade of dichotomies THOM MARSHALL : Staff Oliver North took the heat, proudly admitting his part in the crooked arms deals, but insisting he was following orders as a patriot. 12/31/1989 Laundering of drug money linked to bank and cartel MICHAEL ISIKOFF : Washington Post The agents soon were flying off to Europe to take instructions from senior BCCI officials. Awan, who had personally managed a secret $20 million BCCI account held by Panamian leader Gen. 10/30/1988 Bank just stumbled into money-laundering trap JEFFREY SCHMALZ : New York Times BCCI continued last week to make only brief comments. Agents said BCCI would transfer the money by wire through a New York bank to BCCI headquarters in Luxembourg. 10/16/1988 Bank indicted in plot to launder drug money Houston Chronicle News Services The bank, known as BCCI, had assets reported at $19.64 billion in London six months ago. The U.S. Attorney's Office in Tampa obtained a court order preventing the export of assets held by BCCI. 10/12/1988 Bank indicted in scheme owned by Arab families Houston Chronicle News Services BCCI said it had not knowingly been involved in drug traffic-related money laundering. BCCI has 400 offices employing 13,500 people in more than 70 countries. 10/12/1988 If you look into the WHY behind the PINK Slip Former US Attorney Henry Onken of HOUSTON GOT during the MASSIVE Bank and S&L Lootings in TEXAS, lots will come into focus for you !!! Nearly 10,000 Banks and S&Ls were CLOSED ! WITNESSES - BCCI Guvnah George W. Bush The Good The Bad & The Ugly Secord's - North's Enterprise YUP 60,626 TONS of $100 Bills The Great Texas Bank Job ( remember ? ) How Much Does The Looted 550 Billion Dollars Weigh In 100 Dollar Bills ABOUT 60,626 Tons Ah That PESKY Secret GUVMINT I Shredded That F'n DONOR LIST Hell Attorney General Ed Meeses was my LOOK OUT http://video. videoplay? docid=3505348655 137118430 Yeah UGLY The Good The Bad & The UGLY Ollie WAS NOT KIDDING http://video. videoplay? docid=3505348655 137118430 'Devastating' Bill Moyers Probe of Press and Iraq Coming This Week By Greg Mitchell Published: April 21, 2007 9:00 PM ET NEW YORK (Commentary) The most powerful indictment of the news media for falling down in its duties ......... YUP - have you seen that MISSING $ 550 Billion Lately http://www.editoran dpublisher. com/eandp/ news/article_ display.jsp? vnu_content_ id=1003574260 Falling Down On Their Duties Seems To Be A SERIOUS HABIT Fund-raiser nets Bush's campaign $700,000 BILL MINTZ : Staff Richard Secord testified Tuesday that he met with a Bush aide to complain about the quality of spare parts being provided to the contras. 05/06/1987